Please take a moment to watch the short video above!

I am a Senior Master Instructor from Fort Myers, FL coming to Colorado for this 6-week session.

DATES: 2/10/25-3/21/25

LOCATION: ELEMENT HOTEL at Park Meadows in Lonetree, CO

TIMES: 7:00 A.M.-NOON. Choose your child’s time slot for their daily, 10-minute, one-on-one lesson Monday through Friday for 6 weeks. Keep nap schedules and eating schedules in mind. They cannot have food or drink 2 hrs prior to lessons.

AGES: We teach children ages 6 months to 6 years old. INFANTS must be 6 months plus one day of age by 2/1/25 in order to complete ISR registration. They also must meet the developmental milestone of being able to get into a seated position and sit unassisted for 60 seconds.

Before moving forward with Scheduling, PLEASE read the following:


  • Lessons are 10 min/day, 5 days/week (Mon-Fri) for 6 weeks (average of 30 lessons total).

  • I should reach out to the instructor prior to scheduling if I have vacation planned during the session.

  • I am paying for my child's time slot on the instructor’s schedule regardless of attendance. There will be no prorations or makeup days unless cancelled by the instructor. If my child needs additional lessons beyond the original scheduled time frame and they have missed lessons, I will be required to pay for the additional lessons they need to complete the skill set, or 30 attended lessons.

  • I will be required to pay a 1-week lesson fee deposit of $135 in order to schedule my child for lessons and reserve a time slot. This pays for my child’s first week of lessons and reserves their time slot on the instructor’s schedule.

  • My lesson fee deposit is only refundable if I cancel more than 3 weeks in advance of my scheduled start date. CC fees will not be refunded.

  • There is a SEPARATE non-refundable medical registration fee to ISR of $105 for new students and $40 for returning students. This fee must be paid and ISR registration completed at least 1 week in advance of my child’s start date.

INVESTMENT: $105 ISR Registration fee + $810 Lesson fees ($135 x 6wks) = $915 estimated total


Please note these scholarships are associated specifically with Kathy Cole and will not be available once this session is over!

  • COMMUNITY PARTNER SCHOLARSHIPS: These are available for Police, Fire, EMT/Paramedics, Nurses, Teachers, and Active Military. This scholarship provides a discount of 25% bringing weekly lesson fees to $100/wk. You must send an email with “Community Partner” in the subject line. In the body of your email, please state: 1.) the location (Lonetree), 2.) the time slot you prefer for your child (from the schedule below-blue button), 3.) your job title, 4.) your child’s name and 5.) DOB.

  • INCOME BASED SCHOLARSHIPS: These scholarships are income-based on a sliding scale based on your income. If you cannot afford the full rate for lessons, please apply!! You must send an email with “SCHOLARSHIP” in the subject line. In the body of your email, please state: 1.) the location (Lonetree), 2.) the time slot you prefer for your child (from the schedule below-blue button), 3.) your child’s name and 4.) DOB.

Now that you have read the above information, let’s get your child scheduled!

Some things to know before you do this:

  • You will be able to choose your child’s location, start date and time slot once you create an account in our Scheduler software. The system will require you to pay a 1-week deposit for each child you are scheduling.

  • Once you have scheduled and paid the 1-week deposit, you will not pay lesson fees again until Monday of week 2 of lessons.

  • You will need to complete the ISR registration and pay the $105 ISR registration fee by 2/1/25. The link to do this will come in the confirmation email once you have completed scheduling. PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR AN EMAIL FROM k.cole@webaccomplice.org. Webaccomplice is my Scheduler software and where you will find your child’s portal. This is a different site from the ISR registration system, and they each need their own login/passwords.

  • Need help paying for lessons? Once you have set up an account in our scheduler software for your child, you will have access to a gift link in your child’s portal that you can share with grandparents/friends/family that can be used to add funds to your child’s account. This makes a great holiday or birthday gift idea! We also have a limited number of scholarship opportunities available. If you would like to apply for a scholarship please email me with your time slot preference from what is available on the schedule, your child’s name and age, and your financial need.


  • Click the Blue Button below.

  • Choose the LONETREE location.

  • Choose ISR Self-Rescue lessons. (If your child has done ISR lessons previously, please email me with this info: 1.) when they last did lessons 2.) who they did lessons with 3.) what their skill level was upon completion. I will assist with the scheduling of refreshers.)

  • Choose your time slot that your child will come every day Mon-Fri for the 6 week session.

  • Enter your email address and agree to the Liability Release for the hotel.

  • Pay your first week’s lesson fee deposit of $135 plus cc fees.

  • Immediately check your email (and spam) for a confirmation email from k.cole@webaccomplice.org. This important email contains the ISR registration link, along with other important information. Please do not forget this step!! Save this email and mark your calendar to complete ISR registration by 2/1/25.